Special Needs
The Cy-Hope Counseling Center offers counseling for children, adolescents, and families who have special needs. We have counselors that are trained in multiple aspects of working with all special needs families, from the individual with special needs, to the siblings and parents. Our clinicians specialize in treating the following:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Intellectual Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Speech/Language Disabilities
Mood/Personality Disorders
And more!
Give our office a call for more information about our services: 713-466-1360, or send us an email below.
Often special needs families struggle in many areas of their relationships, such as individual, siblings, spouses, and extended families. Individuals often do not have time to properly care for themselves, siblings can have feelings of anger and resentment, marriages can be strained, and at times extended family and friends do not understand the needs. The Cy-Hope Counseling Center can help diminish the stress of the family, by providing quality counseling, to serve the emotional and mental needs of all family members. Involvement in counseling can aid in restoring hope, reframing negative issues, promoting self-forgivenes, facilitating awareness, reconnecting family members, and empowering individuals.
Would you like to request an appointment?
At Cy-Hope Counseling, our attentive staff is available to answer all of your questions. To schedule a consultation appointment or to obtain additional information you have several options to contact us: reach us by phone at 713.466.1360, send an email to The Center, or simply submit the form below.